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Monday, 20th

09:30 - Greetings and Welcome


hair: P. Chase
Hayne Reese - Distortions of John B. Watson's Concepts of Environmental and Genetic Effects, Reductionism, Thinking and Emotion
Discussant: P. Holth

10:45 - Discussion

11:15 - Break

Chair: P. Andronis

Jack Marr - Some Public Thoughts on Privacy
Discussant: E. Arntzen
12:30 - Discussion

13:00 - Lunch Break


Chair: G. Presti

Fergus Lowe - Presidential Address: Can Behaviour Analysts Change the World?
Discussant: P. Moderato, P. Chase

14:45 - Discussion

Chair: R. Mellon

Joe Layng, Paul Andronis - The Evolution of Emotions: a Contingency Analysis
Discussant: H. Reese

16:00 - Discussion

16:30 - Break


Chair: P. Chase

Joe Layng - The Headsprout Reading Comprehension Online Program

17:45 - Discussion

Tuesday, 21st


Chair: P. Chase
Francis Mechner - Elements and Significance of a Formal Symbolic Language for Analyzing Behavioral Contingencies
Discussant: P. Andronis, J. Marr

09:45 - Discussion


Chair: E. Arntzen

Per Holth - Verbal Behavior and Joint Attention
Discussant: G.Novak

11:00 - Discussion

11:30 - Break


Chair: J. Layng

Gary Novak - Precursors to the Development of the Self
Discussant: G. Presti, R. Mellon

12:45 - Discussion

13:15 - Lunch Break

14:30 - Business Meetings

1 - The Future of the Series International Congress on Behavior Studies

2 - How to Spread Out BA in Mid-East. The Reasons for a Mediterranean Wing of Behavior Science. Open Invitation to People from All Mediterranean Countries.